Pâté is a spread made from processed meat. Pâté is a kind of food often served on bread or crackers. It can be hot or cold. Some Pâté has added vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, and alcohol. Let’s find out if your dog can have some Pâté.

It’s not recommended to feed dogs Pâté due to its high fat and salt content and the presence of garlic and onion powder, which can be toxic to them. To ensure your dog’s health and safety, it’s best to avoid giving them Pâté altogether.

We now know that dogs shouldn’t eat Pâté. Let’s break down the harmful ingredients that are commonly found in Pâté. It will help you understand why Pâté is unhealthy for dogs, and I have included other options to treat your dog with instead.

Harmful Ingredients In Pâté

  • High In Fat: Dogs can’t handle high bursts of really high-fatty foods. Unlike cats and humans, our digestive system is built differently from dogs, allowing us to eat high-fat foods. When a dog eats high in fat food, it can cause problems in the pancreas and give them pancreatitis. Pancreatitis can be acute or can happen over time. It’s very uncomfortable for a dog. My dog had pancreatitis and could no longer have a regular diet, so he had to be on a low-fat diet.
  • Onion Powder: Onion is of the allium family and is highly toxic to dogs.
  • Salt: Salt can be dangerous to a dog if eaten in high doses. Salt can dehydrate a dog, and enough consumption can lead to sodium ion poisoning. Roughly there is 697 mg in 100 grams of Pâté. 
  • Garlic: It is a member of the allium family and is highly toxic to dogs.

Allium Family Food List (Avoid)

  • Chives
  • Garlic
  • Leeks
  • Onions
  • Scallions
  • Shallots

Dangerous Amount Of Salt

Dogs need salt in their diet, but too much can be harmful. Anything over 1.5 grams of salt per pound of body weight is dangerous and needs medical attention.


You can put a little extra for your dog on their food. The below is perfect for this, and it’s healthy and delicious!

Recommended Read: How Much Protein Should A Dog Have Daily?

My dog just ate Pâté. What should I do?

It depends on the size of your dog, and how much they have consumed will depend on what action you will need to take. For instance, if you have a small dog that has eaten a whole tub of Pâté, you should probably call a veterinarian as little dogs can’t handle a lot of rich food, but if you have a giant breed and they have eaten the same size, they will more than likely be okay. Watch out for any signs of illness, such as sickness, diarrhoea, increased thirst, and feeling lethargic.

Where does the word Pâté come from?

The word Pâté comes from French, meaning paste—a mixture of meat and fat.


Making good decisions for your pet is essential. I never give my dog Pâté. Instead, give them leaner plain meat such as chicken. I wrote one article about cooking and serving chicken to my dog.

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