Can Dogs Catch Monkeypox?
With the worry of another potential threat of a virus circulating in the news, I thought I'd research this to understand if there is any threat to my dog's health. What I found There isn't much information on monkeypox and dogs, so one can only presume that's a good...
Dogs – Vitamin A (Benefits, Deficiency, Foods, Amount)
To keep your dog healthy and happy, they need the entire vitamin and minerals range for optimum health. One of the important ones to add is Vitamin A. Vitamin A is vital for puppies because it is involved in growth within the early stages of puppyhood. Vitamin A...
Dogs – Vitamin C (Benefits, Deficiency, Foods, Amount)
Our dogs are our lives, and for them to live a long, healthy, happy life, it helps to understand what vitamin C does for a dog's body and how to know if your dog is deficient in vitamin C. Let's also learn what foods you can give your dog to top up their daily dose of...
Obesity In Dogs: Health Risks, Help Your Dog Lose Weight Safely, Plus Prevention
Dogs can gain weight just like us! Sadly, dogs also struggle with excess weight, maybe not as emotionally as humans. But it's certainly something that you need to be aware of when being a good dog parent. If you're here because your dog has gained weight, you need to...
What Is Palm Oil In Dog Food?
Many dog food brands claim their food is the best and healthiest, but this is not usually true. It can be hard to know what benefits our dogs when many different ingredients are on dog food labels. Let's learn about palm fruit oil and its better oil version. Palm oil...
Are Snowdrops Poisonous To Dogs?
The early bloomers have earnt the symbol of purity since they are the first flower to bloom at the end of winter. But, if you are a dog owner, you may be unsure about these pretty little snowdrop flowers. After all, we all want the best for our beloved pets. So, are...
Vitamin B Complex For Dogs (RDA, Roles Within The Body)
Dogs need Vitamin B Complex to stay healthy. This vitamin which is found in the diet of a dog or in supplements helps keep the dog's body working correctly. Let's learn about each vitamin B complex and the RDA (recommended daily allowance). Fresh is always best over...
How Do Dogs Get Vitamin D?
Giving your dog what it needs is vital to its health. Dogs need proper nutrition, plenty of daily exercises, and mental stimulation. Without these things, they can become unhealthy both physically and mentally. The below will teach you all about Vitamin D, essential...
Can I Use Human Hydrocortisone Cream On My Dog?
The main reason to use Hydrocortisone cream on a dog is that they have some skin irritants. Let's find out if you can use this cream and look at other options to help your dog's skin problem. As a temporary measure, you can use human Hydrocortisone cream on your dog,...
Is Vicks VapoRub Safe For Dogs?
As dog owners, we share a common desire to ensure our furry friends are content and in good health. In this post, we'll explore the topic of Vicks VapoRub and its potential effects on our beloved canine companions. Using Vicks VapoRub on dogs is not recommended as it...
Vitamins And Minerals A Dog Needs For Healthy Bones
Having healthy bones is essential for your dog's health and well-being. Their bones can become weak and brittle if they don't have enough vitamins or minerals. This can lead to pain in the joints when they move, and it could also make them more likely to get...
Why Is Zinc Important For Dogs?
The vital importance of the mineral zinc in dogs has been well-established, and this micro mineral helps with many body functions. Let's find out! Zinc plays an essential role in a dog's metabolism. Zinc will carry out vital metabolic processes, such as it helps with...
Why Do Dogs Need Fats In Their Diet?
Nutrition is a crucial component of a healthy and happy dog. The importance of good nutrition cannot be overstated, as it impacts everything from their behaviour to health! Dogs need fats in their diet to develop better brains and exhibit better behaviour. Properly...
How Much Protein Should A Dog Have Daily?
Protein is the key to your dog's survival, whether you're making their food from home or feeding them commercial food. Depending on breed size, age and activity level for optimal healthiness. An adult dog will be healthy if its diet consists of 20 to 30 per cent...
Unleashing the Truth: Can Your Furry Friend Safely Enjoy Hummus?
Hummus is a popular Middle Eastern dip made from chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, and other ingredients. While hummus can be a healthy snack for humans, knowing the ingredients that can harm our furry friends is essential. Some of the ingredients commonly found in...
Are Slugs Poisonous to Dogs?
If you have a dog, it's essential to know the dangers of slugs. Slugs can be found all over and pose serious health risks. We will explore if slugs are poisonous to dogs and why slugs are toxic to them. Slugs can be poisonous to dogs, and this makes them very...
What Is A Coagle?
The new breeds of dogs coming out are more diverse than ever before. Breeders can pick and choose their perfect match for colour or personality traits! One of the newer hybrid breeds is the Coagle, Also known as Bocker. Wondering what a Coagle is? Keep reading below...
Dog Breeds With Curly Tails
As dog lovers, we love dogs wagging their tails in joy or chasing it for fun. For dogs, their tails are essential. They use it not only for balance but also to show their mood. There are many different types of dog breeds in the world. Each dog breed comes with a...
Are Jack Russell Terriers Good With Kids? [Puppies & Adult Dogs]
This article can help you understand whether or not Jack Russells are good with kids. Are you thinking of getting a Jack Russell? I have included both possibilities, a puppy and an adult dog. Jack Russell Terriers are great with children. They are high energy and...
When Do Pugs Baby Teeth Fall Out?
If you are lucky enough to have just welcomed a cute baby pug into your family, you might be wondering when their baby teeth fall out. Below is all the information you will need and some example photos of baby teeth. Pugs will lose their baby teeth from 8-16 weeks of...
Jack Russell Terriers & Shedding Amount
Dogs are an excellent addition to any family. They can be the best companions for kids and families. But before you welcome one home, you must be mentally and physically prepared to deal with their shedding. Do Jack Russell terriers shed a lot? Jack Russell terriers...