So perhaps you are thinking of getting a Cockapoo or would like to learn more about the breed? Whatever the reason is, let’s dive in and explain my findings to you. I have been around plenty of Cocker Spaniels, and I know a great deal regarding the fascinating Poodle breed. The Poodle breed is one of the most intelligent dogs around. Combine with a Cocker Spaniel and the Poodle. You will find the Cockapoo personality an active, smart, fluffy, cuddly, playful, and loving dog. Let me explain.
Cockapoos will be hyper if they have no mental or daily physical stimulation. Since Cockapoos are half Poodle, an intelligent breed that requires extra mental stimulation, mixed with the active and alert Cocker Spaniel can result in a hyper Cockerpoo if left to their own devices.
What two breeds make up a Cockapoo?
A Cockerpoo is a hybrid breed mixed from a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle. The mum or dad must be one of each to make a Cockapoo.

Are Cockapoos good with children?
Yes, Cockapoos are one of the best family dogs to have with small children; they love playing all day long and love to be active. They are soft and gentle and never snap out. But, unlike the Yorkshire terrier, this breed can’t handle kids. So if you are an elderly couple, you may want to think twice about getting a Cockapoo. But if you’re an up-and-coming young family, Cockapoos would fit very nicely in your family.
How much exercise should I give my Cockerpoo?
Exercise will help calm your Cockapoo, and the amount best would be two thirty-minute walks a day or once an hour. However, they can pretty much walk forever, so, depending on if you have the time, long walks can be beneficial to them, especially the younger ones.
Traits and personalities of a Cockapoo

The hybrid Cockapoo from the Poodle and the Cocker Spaniel will have strong or weaker traits from each parent breed. However, their characteristics and personalities will vary between Cockapoos, some will be more hyper than others, and some will be more reserved. However, combined, they are undoubtedly loveable and energetic.
The Cockapoo Temperament
- Playful
- Alert
- Cuddly
- Intelligent
- Outgoing
- Loving
- Soft
- Sensitive
Breed Overview
- Height: 25 – 38 cm (Adult)
- Mass: 5.4 – 11 kg (Adult)
- Origin: United States
- Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris
How long has the Cockapoo breed been around?
The Cockapoo was one of the first hybrid breeds dating back to the 1950s in the United States, and it is only lately that they have been trendy among young families. They are chosen for their loving, energetic nature, making them perfect dogs for a family with young children.
Please note that any dog has the potential to be hyper, especially left to its means with no stimulation. You can control the common hyperactiveness by providing your Cockapoo with mental and physical stimulation. They will be happy ages of around sixteen years. I hope this has answered your question, and good luck if you decide to introduce a Cockapoo into your family.
Remember – Provide toys to calm a Cockapoo and give them plenty of daily exercise of less than an hr, and you can’t go wrong.