Jack Russell Terriers are mostly full of beans and are always on the go, looking for their next plaything, even at inappropriate times. Like just before bed or early morning risers. Maybe you have to take them to a friend’s house, and you know they can’t contain themselves. That’s why we love them, and it’s one of their many unique Characteristics. But with proper training, you can solve it as an owner. JRTs are a lively dog breed because of their background in hunting. They love to have fun at all ages, even in their older years. It makes them unique. Understandably, you would want to calm your Jack Russell down at certain times.
I can give you a few pointers from a Jack Russell owner’s point of view, which will help you.
5 Tips to Calm a Jack Russell terrier Down
- Turn your back on them without them thinking it’s a game. Slowly keep turning away. This will give off the vibe that you are not interested in playtime since Jack Rusell terriers are incredibly clever at understanding their owners. Turning your back on them can work a treat. No touch, no talk, no eye contact!
- If your Jack Russell terrier shows a playful side, you can relax them by gently rubbing their belly. Your JRT dog will lay still and start to relax, especially if they are enjoying it and this help in calming them down.
- Keep distractions away. If you have a household with small rodents or cats, remove them or move your dog into a different one, this will calm your dog down, and your Jack Russell will forget about them eventually. You can slowly introduce them back when your dog has calmed down. It would be best if you always kept small animals in a cage when Jack Russells are around.
- If they are full of energy, it could be that they haven’t yet been on their daily walk. You should do so at the time when the liveliness commences, if possible. This will keep them from holding onto the bad habit. Walk them, especially if your Jack Russell terrier is shaking. They are known to shake from the build-up of excess energy from lack of walking and playtime. See here an article I wrote on this topic. Why Do Jack Russells Shake?
- If you have other dogs in the house, try separating them for a while. One lively dog at unwanted times isn’t as bad as two energetic dogs at one time. However, do remember they love to play, and they love to playfight, and it is entirely normal. So try not to tell them off too much. It would be best to separate them to keep the peace.
- Provide them with mental stimulation. Dogs can often misbehave, like being over lively because they are bored by getting them a new toy or something that keeps their minds busy. Jack Russells love their toys and will keep them entertained for hours.
At what age does a Jack Russell terrier calm down?
Jack Russell terriers are lively right up until around 13 years old, and they can’t play or chase as much as the young ones. However, there are ways to calm them and control their liveliness up until this age.
Age/Life span
Typically a Jack Russell Terrier has a good long life span of up to sixteen years.
- Considered elderly range – 13 to 16 years
How to Discipline A Jack Russell Terrier
- Rewarding at positive times only
- Be consistent
- Keep calm
- Be firm but not with an aggressive tone
It would help if you showed that you are the pack’s leader, or your dog will run loops around you. See the articles below for the heal command and leave it commands. Every dog should understand these basic commands if possible.
(Training) Recommended reading:
Do you have a Jack Russell Terrier puppy? If so, here is an article I wrote that will help you calm a puppy, plus understand why they are lively and that it’s normal behaviour. Calming a puppy is slightly different to an adult dog.

Jack Russell terriers are very smart, and if they have been trained and know what they are doing is wrong, then discipline can be via voice or time-out. However, you must not discipline a Jack Russell terrier if they are not aware of what they are doing is wrong or are too young to understand. Discipline is less inclined than positive rewarding. For instance, if they have your favourite sock, teach them to drop it. They drop it and get prasie. It works better than discipline to scare them not to pick up the sock in future.
When anxiety is high in Jack Russell terriers, the best thing you can do is give them something else to do. It can be something as simple as the sit command or grabbing their favourite ball. It’s all about snapping them out of their current anxiety mode.