Who doesn’t love a mince pie around the festive period? I certainly do. However,  I ensure I do not eat them near my dog. It’s essential to keep mince pies away from the dog.

Can Dogs Eat Mince Pies?

No, dogs should not eat mince pies because they contain raisins, sultanas and currants. These fruits are toxic to dogs and can cause acute kidney failure.

About Mince Pies

Mince pies are traditional English food that has been enjoyed for centuries. The word “mince” comes from an Old French term meaning minced meat, which is how they got their name! 

Over the centuries, this delicious treat has evolved into different shapes and sizes. The original mince pie was just meatloaf stewed until it became thick enough to slice, then topped off with sugar.

Nowadays, mince pies are not loaded with minced meat but rather suet, fruits and spices.

What Makes Mince Pies So Toxic To Dogs

Mince pies have raisins, sultanas and currants, which are very toxic to a dog. It can cause acute kidney failure.

Can a dog recover from acute kidney failure?

A dog can recover from acute kidney failure if treated in time. However, if not treated early, a dog can die from this. That is why it’s essential to get your dog to the professionals as soon as possible if you think they have eaten something they shouldn’t have. 

Help My Dogs Eaten A Mince Pie

If your dog eats a mince pie, do not panic. It depends on how much they have eaten. If it is just one time and not that much, your dog will be okay! The best thing to do is watch your dog closely and offer water. 

Your dog might vomit or have diarrhoea because that is the body’s way of getting rid of nasty things. However, If your dog displays any severe symptoms of sickness or tiredness, you should take your dog to the vet as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the worse it will be for the dog.

If in doubt, always call your veterinarian!

What will a vet do?

A veterinarian will monitor your dog’s vitals and may need help with hydration. Such as a drip. In some cases, induced vomiting will be applied to help them get rid of the toxic substances quicker. However, each case will be judged by a veterinarian and acted on in their best interest. 

Always take your dog to the vet if you think it has eaten something it shouldn’t and display symptoms of sickness. 

Getting help for your dog in good time is very important when dealing with toxic ingredients such as raisins, sultanas and currants. 

Symptoms of Toxicity – Mince Pies

  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dry mouth
  • Dry nose
  • Heavy panting
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased urine
  • Lethargic
  • Light coloured gums
  • Loss of appetite
  • No urine production
  • Pale mouth
  • Stillness
  • Trouble breathing
  • Vomiting
  • Weakness

How Much Is Too Much

For instance, you should call a vet if you have a chihuahua and the dog has eaten a whole mince pie. If you have a labrador and they have eaten a whole mince pie, then more than likely, your dog will be okay. However, this also depends on your dog’s age and how healthy they are.

If in doubt, always call your veterinarian!

What happens if a dog eats pastry?

If your dog ate a little bit of pastry, it wouldn’t cause any health problems. But it would be best if you did not feed it to your dog. There is no health benefit in giving you dog pastry. If the pastry has a filling such as jam, mince or lemon curd, it can risk your dog’s health. Sugar, spices and dried fruit are toxic to dogs. Depending on how much they have had, you may need to call a veterinarian.


We know that mince pies are dangerous to dogs as the main ingredients are toxic and can dramatically affect their health. Now you know to never feed your dog mince pies! Get them to the vets as soon as possible! If you know your dog has eaten something it shouldn’t, and a lot of it, then don’t delay and wait for symptoms.

Good Luck!

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