
Can A Jack Russell Live With A Cat?

Can A Jack Russell Live With A Cat?

Jack Russell Terriers are regarded as hunting dogs, but they are also excellent house dogs. However, potential owners might wonder whether they should bring a Jack Russell into the family while having a cat at home. Or, they might wonder whether a Jack Russell can...

Why Do Dogs Lick Your Legs After A Shower?

Why Do Dogs Lick Your Legs After A Shower?

Every time I step out from a shower, my pup waits to give my legs a good lick or scampers towards the bathroom as he hears the water turn off. While it doesn't bother me, other people living in our house aren't thrilled. Luckily, he's just seven months old and that...

What Is The Runt Of The Litter?

What Is The Runt Of The Litter?

The runt of the litter is the smallest and weakest animal in a group. Being the runt can be difficult for the animal because it may be rejected by its mother or have health problems. If you plan to pick a runt pup, it's best to remain informed. A runt puppy's size and...

Do Papillon Dogs Shed A Lot?

Do Papillon Dogs Shed A Lot?

No, papillon dogs don't shed a lot. They usually only shed moderately. Dog shedding is a common occurrence in their lives, and each dog will happen differently. Some papillons might expect moderate shedding, while light shedding might be more common. Shedding is a...

Why Do Senior Dogs Need Different Food?

Why Do Senior Dogs Need Different Food?

Dogs, just like people, have different dietary needs as they age. Senior dogs need specifically tailored foods to help them maintain a healthy weight and avoid common health problems associated with old age.  This blog post will explain why senior dogs need...

Can Dogs Eat Broccoli?

Can Dogs Eat Broccoli?

Most dogs are known for being food-obsessed, but what do you do when they start begging for human food? Can they eat broccoli? Here's a closer look at whether or not broccoli is suitable for dogs and some tips on safely giving them this healthy vegetable. Broccoli is...

Why Do Chihuahuas Shake?

Why Do Chihuahuas Shake?

Chihuahuas are small dogs with a lot of personalities. They're known for being feisty, lively and full-on! However, Chihuahuas are also very sensitive little dogs. They often display their emotions through their body language.  Chihuahuas shake for many reasons. The...

Can I Use Tea Tree Oil On My Dog?

Can I Use Tea Tree Oil On My Dog?

Do you love your dog and want to do what's best for them? If so, you may wonder if using tea tree oil on them is safe. Tea tree oil can help with skin problems and has a lot of other benefits, but it's essential to use it correctly. This blog post will discuss...

Carbohydrates That Dogs Can And Cannot Eat

Carbohydrates That Dogs Can And Cannot Eat

Carbohydrates are an essential part of a balanced diet for dogs, but not all carbs are safe for them to eat.  Dogs need carbohydrates in their diets, which is mostly always covered in their regular diet. However, not all carbs are safe to eat, especially how we...

Can I Put Benadryl Cream On My Dog?

Can I Put Benadryl Cream On My Dog?

Do you have a dog that is constantly scratching himself? If so, you may wonder how to best treat your dog's itchy skin.  If you have Benadryl cream in your cupboard, this is an excellent temporary option for dogs with itchy skin. So if your dog is scratching like...

Is Aloe Vera Safe For My Dogs Skin?

Is Aloe Vera Safe For My Dogs Skin?

Aloe Vera is a plant that has been used to help heal human skin heal for centuries. But can dogs benefit from using Aloe Vera as we do? Let's find out! Aloe Vera can effectively treat skin problems like minor cuts, flea bites, sunburn, insect bites, and dog rashes....

12 Garden Plants Safe And Unsafe To Dogs

12 Garden Plants Safe And Unsafe To Dogs

Some garden plants are safe for dogs to eat, and some that are not. It is essential to be aware of which plants are dangerous for dogs so that you can keep them away from your pet. Here is a list of garden plants that are safe and unsafe for dogs. Sunflowers Roses...

Fruits And Vegetables That Are Safe And Unsafe For Dogs

Fruits And Vegetables That Are Safe And Unsafe For Dogs

We all like to give our dogs things from our plates. It shows that we love them. But we must be careful about what we give them to eat. Some foods can cause dog health problems and cost much money to treat. At least we don't have to worry about what to cook our dogs...

When Do Puppies Start Teething? (Teething Stages By Age)

When Do Puppies Start Teething? (Teething Stages By Age)

My puppy is at this very moment of writing this article going through the teething stage and is nearly six months old. Most puppies will go through the same process. Let me run through what I have learned from my puppies teething process. Puppies will start teething...

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