If you have a hungry dog and no other food available, it’s safe to feed your dog the baby food as a one-off. However, first, check on the back to ensure that it doesn’t include harmful ingredients such as onion powder and garlic powder.
We know that baby food is generally safe for dogs to eat. However, good quality dog-specific food is really what a dog needs. If you have no other options and cannot go to the shops or wait for a delivery, then baby food is okay for them as a temporary replacement.
The good thing about baby food is that it’s made without any additives and is usually low in fat. Baby food also contains low sugar amount and salt. Which again is pretty perfect for a dog as a temporary option only.
Different Types of Baby Food Jars

Here is a list of different baby food jar flavours that are safe or not safe for dogs to eat. But each baby food brand will have different ingredients in it. So be sure to read the label before you give your dog any.
- Pumpkin Puree is safe for dogs to eat.
- Vegetables Puree is safe for dogs to eat.
- Peas Puree is safe for dogs to eat.
- Sweet Potatoes Puree is safe for dogs to eat.
- Chicken Puree is safe for dogs to eat.
- Beef and Carrot Puree are safe for dogs to eat.
Not Safe
- Leek and Potatoes are not safe for dogs.
- Courgette, Pea and Leek are not safe for dogs.
Harmful Ingredients
Since it’s for babies, it should be healthy without any added additives. However, you still need to double-check the ingredients listed on the back. Look out for garlic powder and onion powder as they are toxic to a dog. If it’s listed on the back, regardless of the list above, don’t give it to your dog.
- Garlic: This is a toxic ingredient. It can make the red blood cells damaged. These red blood cells have the important task of carrying oxygen around the body. When damaged, they dont function correctly.
- Onion: This ingredient is highly toxic to a dog, just like garlic and can destroy the red blood cells within a dog’s body, leading to sickness.
- High Salt levels: high salt levels can affect your dog’s heart rate and kidney functions and are even more damaging in older dogs.
- High Sugar Levels: can cause a dog to become hyperactive, vomit, have uncomfortable gas and have diarrhoea. In the long run, it can cause obesity and diabetes.
- Leeks: are a part of the allium family, meaning they are highly toxic to a dog. Like garlic and onions, leeks damage a dog’s body’s red blood cells, leading to health complications.
Allium Family of Food Include
The below all share one thing, they are toxic to dogs!
- Onions
- Shallots
- Chives
- Spring onion
- Garlic
- Leeks
Can diabetic dogs eat baby food?
As suggested by your vet, good quality food is the better way forward for your diabetic dog. Diabetic dogs can eat baby food jars such as pumpkin, peas, chicken, or beef. However, avoid fruit jars, which have a lot of natural sugar. Baby food is safe as a temporary fix if you have no other food for your dog to hand. Since baby food is low in salt and sugar and has no additives, it is generally classed as safe for dogs but will not provide them with the daily nutrients they need to stay healthy in the future.
Can dogs eat baby food puffs?
Although they aren’t toxic to a dog, baby puffs dont have the nutrient content they need. They are low in nutrients as they are mainly just puffs of air. The good thing is they are not a choking problem, as the puffs melt in the mouth immediately.
You can give a dog many other healthy treats over baby puffs. Try making your own boiled chicken treats instead for a dog. Much more beneficial for them.
Can dogs eat baby food with onion powder?
Giving baby food containing onion powder or any form of onion is not recommended for dogs. Onions are harmful to canines and can cause damage to their red blood cells, which carry essential oxygen throughout their bodies.
Can dogs eat baby food with garlic powder?
Giving baby food containing garlic powder to dogs is not recommended, as garlic is highly toxic for them. Even a small amount of garlic can lead to anaemia and other health issues in dogs. Therefore, it’s best to avoid feeding your dog any form of garlic.
Can I feed my sick dog baby food?
When dogs feel sick, they generally refuse to eat; sometimes, baby food may help tempt them into eating something. Yes, you can feed your dog baby food if no toxic ingredients, such as onion or garlic, are found on the back.
Recommended Read: list of safe and unsafe food to feed a dog
- American Kennel Club – “Can Dogs Eat Baby Food?”
- PetMD – “Is Baby Food Safe for Pets?”
- Hill’s Pet Nutrition – “Can Dogs Eat Baby Food? What You Need to Know”
- Rover.com – “Can Dogs Eat Baby Food? A Vet Weighs In”
- VCA Hospitals – “Feeding Your Dog: Canine Nutrition Basics”