Pineapple is safe for dogs to eat, but only in moderation. Dogs should eat pineapple without the skin or core. Do not give your dog canned or dried pineapple. Pineapple has many healthy nutrients essential for your dog’s health, such as vitamin A, C, B6, E and K, fibre, iron and magnesium.

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that has been used as a food staple in many cultures for centuries. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, making it an excellent source of nutrients to promote health and wellness.

Pineapples are categorised as exotic fruit, similar to bananas or coconuts. There are many types of pineapples, including Queen Pineapples, Red Spanish Pineapples, Smooth Cayenne Pineapples, Pernambuco Pineapples, Mordilona Pineapples, Kona Sugarloaf, and Brecheche Pineapples.

Vitamins and Minerals

  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Fibre
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin A, C, B6, E and K

Health Benefits

  • Cellular repair
  • Disease fighting
  • Healing powers
  • Healthy bones
  • Helps with a dog suffering from arthritis
  • Improved digestion

Best Served

Pineapple is best served to a dog in its raw form, and the skin is stripped off and the core removed. Never add anything to the pineapple, such as seasoning. Please don’t give your dog canned pineapple as it’s kept in sugary syrup, which is very unhealthy for a dog.

  • Don’t give dogs pineapple from a can
  • Ensure the pineapple is fresh and not spoiled
  • Give dogs the recommended amount
  • Keep it plain, do not add anything to it
  • Remove the core before serving
  • Remove the spiky skin before serving


Depending on the size of your dog will depend on the amount you can safely treat them with pineapple. For a small dog like a chihuahua, you should only provide them with a 1cm by 1cm piece of pineapple at any one time. A larger dog like a labrador can have four 1cm by 1cm pieces of pineapple. Medium dogs like a Jack Russell can be treated with two 1cm by 1cm pieces.

Size of DogAmountHow Often
SmallOne 1cm by 1cm Three times a week
MediumTwo 1cm by 1cm Three times a week
LargeFour 1cm by 1cm Three times a week
Recommended Amount of pineapple for dogs

Do not give them pineapple if your dog suffers from any illness such as pancreatitis or diabetes. Always consult your vet before giving new foods to a dog.

What happens if I feed my dog too much?

If your dog overeats pineapple, it can induce diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and weight gain due to the high contents of vitamin C, sugar and fibre.


  • Dental decay
  • Diarrhoea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Weight gain

Continued overfeeding can lead to diabetes. It is vital to offer your dog pineapple every few days and only the recommended serving amount. Also, be aware of any other treats you have given your dog on the same day. For instance, if you have already given your dog some apple flesh that very same day, it would be best to save the pineapple for a day that your dog hasn’t already had some fruit.

Other Fruits

Many fruits are great for dogs to eat if prepared and given correctly. Here is a table with the most common fruits.

Food ItemSafeImportant Information
MangoYesDogs should eat mango in its raw form, pitted and peeled.
PineappleYesDogs should eat pineapple without the skin or core. Do not give your dog canned or dried pineapple.
RaspberriesYesDogs can safely eat raspberries in moderation.
BlackberriesYesBlackberries are safe for dogs to consume in moderation.
GrapesNoIf a dog eats grapes in any form, such as raisins, currants, sultanas, or grape juice, it can have severe reactions that can be life-threatening.
BananaYesLimiting how much bananas your dog eats is crucial because they are high in natural sugars. Dogs that have diabetes or are overweight should not eat bananas.
Safe and unsafe fruits

Can puppies have pineapple?

No, not very young puppies. It would be best if you waited to treat your puppy with tasty pineapple at around three months old. From this time, it’s enough time for a dog’s stomach to handle such foods that can be seen outside of their digestive range.

Remember only a small piece to start with, such as a 1cm by 1cm size, and even smaller for toy dog breeds.

Do all dogs like pineapple?

No, not all dogs like pineapple. Some do, and some don’t. All dog’s taste buds are different, just like us humans. The best way to find out is by offering some pineapple to your dog. If they turn their nose up at it or spit it out, you will know if they are pineapple lovers or not.

What are some of the risks associated with giving your dog pineapple?

If served and appropriately prepared, the pineapple flesh itself is not toxic to dogs, so the risk is minimal in its raw state. However, the risk of feeding a dog pineapple is when a dog indulges in it too much. As a responsible dog parent, you need to ensure they are given the correct portion size. Because knowing dogs, if it’s something tasty, dogs won’t stop till the plate is cleared.

How do I know if my dog is allergic to pineapples or not?

You can complete a food intolerance test with a vet, primarily if your dog is known to have other allergies. However, it’s a simple case of trial and error in most cases. If it’s your first time feeding your dog with pineapple, make sure you watch them closely for any changes in your dog.

Can a dog have frozen pineapple?

Yes, dogs can eat pineapple frozen, be sure to follow the recommended amount and freeze them in only 1cm by 1cm cubes regardless of the dog’s size, as this will avoid any choking hazards.

Can a dog have pineapple juice?

It’s not worth a dog having pineapple juice. The amount of juiced pineapple would be minimal to keep in line with the recommended amount. It just wouldn’t be worth it. Plus, several pineapple juices on the market come with added sugars or sweeteners, which are unhealthy for dogs.

Can a dog have dried pineapple?

Do not give your dog dried pineapple because the drying process of fruit requires a lot of sugar, and too much sugar for a dog is bad for their health. Excessive consumption of sugar in dogs can cause them to gain weight and develop diabetes. Also, dried bits of fruit can cause a choking hazard and cause intestinal blockages.


Remember that moderation is so important when treating your dog to pineapple. The pineapple’s spiky skin and core are dangerous for dogs due to the potential choking hazard, and the difficulty dogs have digesting them. If you have already treated your dog on the same day fruit already, avoid giving them pineapple. Save it for a day that they haven’t had any other sugary fruit treats.

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